- Community Consolidated School District 89
- Attending a Board meeting
- About the Board of Education
- Attending a Board meeting
- Board agendas and minutes
- Previous Board minutes and agendas (prior to June 2020)
- Board highlights
- Board meeting dates
- Board policies
- Board policy exhibits and forms
- Board training (PDF)
- Meet the Board members
- Student Board Members
- Broadcast links
Attending a CCSD 89 Board Meeting
All meetings of the Community Consolidated School District 89 Board of Education are open to the public.
Board meetings are held on the first floor of the CCSD 89 Administration Building, 22W600 Butterfield Road, Glen Ellyn. The administration building is at the corner of Butterfield Road and Park Boulevard.
Meetings are generally held the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Public notification will be provided with any changes in schedule or location.
Board of Education meeting structure
- The Board receives an agenda and any related information a few days prior to the meeting. A copy of the agenda is made available online or may be obtained at the district office. The agendas are also posted on the district's website.
- Board meetings are governed by Robert's Rules of Order.
- The "consent agenda" is used for items considered routine that do not require discussion or explanation as to the reason for Board action. Any Board member or resident of CCSD 89 may request the withdrawal of any item listed under the consent agenda and have it moved to the agenda for independent consideration.
- At the direction of the Board President, Board Members serve on various committees and give oral and/or written reports at Board meetings.
- Action must be approved by a majority of those Board Members present.
- Periodically, the Board will meet for discussion purposes on single issues or topics. Although these meetings are open to the public, it is at the sole discretion of the President whether or not to allow public participation at these work sessions.
- State law permits the Board to meet in closed session for the limited purposes of: personnel discussion, collective bargaining, land acquisitions, specific special education students, and pending court cases involving the district. However, no official action may be taken in a closed session.
- Special meetings may be called by the Board President or by any three Board Members to conduct emergency business or discuss immediate concerns affecting education in the district. Such meetings require a 48-hour written or 24-hour personal notice providing the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. All special meetings are open to the public.
Community participation
- A Board of Education meeting is an opportunity for the seven board members to meet in public to discuss the work of the school district. During public comment, the Board welcomes input from the community about their schools either at the opening of the meeting or before adjourning each Board meeting. In order to facilitate an orderly meeting and ensure everyone can be heard, each speaker is limited to three minutes and Board members do not respond to your comments during the meeting. If you wish to present written materials, please provide at least eight copies.
Questions and suggestions will be referred to the superintendent for further response. Prior to participating in public comment, speakers should fill out a yellow sheet so a district staff member can follow up, if necessary. The meeting is open to community members of all ages so comments should be respectful and productive.
- In all matters concerning a student-related issue, the Board asks that the classroom teacher be the first point of contact. If the problem is not resolved at this level, the principal should be contacted. If the matter remains unresolved, the issue should be brought to the attention of the superintendent, who will provide advice concerning district policies and explain how, if appropriate, the matter may be brought to the attention of the Board.