CCSD 89 emergency closing info

  • If weather conditions necessitate school closings or e-learning, Community Consolidated School District 89 will communicate that notice in multiple ways.

    Information about closings will be released through:

    The district will send out a notice if the schools are closed or using online learning. If there is no notice posted, schools are open on a regular schedule. The district makes every effort to communicate a decision on closing schools by 5:30 a.m.

    It is essential that the school has up-to-date contact information. In an emergency, you will be contacted at the phone number and email address on file with the school. To update your contact information, contact your school's secretary.

    If schools are open, it is the responsibility of guardians to determine if conditions allow for their children to attend school.


    While in-person learning is preferred, in certain circumstances, the district may use e-learning (online learning) on days when severe weather keeps the buildings closed. E-learning allows for continuity of learning and does not add days to the end of the school year.

    When severe weather is anticipated, students will be asked to bring Chromebooks and iPads home the day before. (Preschool students will have packets to work on at home.)

    The schedule for an e-learning day is not the same as a regular school day. Students will have brief online meetings with their teachers, then work independently on the topic the teacher introduced. Teachers will be available to answer questions during normal school hours. 

    Here are guides to help students and families with the online learning day:

    Deciding to close school

    There is no specific temperature that triggers a building closure or online learning. Weather forecasts, temperature, and wind chill are all reviewed. 

    The superintendent makes the final decision about whether to close school buildings or use online learning. The decision is based on the ability of students to make it to and from school safely. Snowfall, temperature, wind chill, road conditions, and bus safety are all considered when making a decision to close.

    The district begins monitoring reports the day before severe weather is expected. Early in the morning, the superintendent participates in a conference call with other nearby school districts to gauge local weather and transportation conditions. Each district then makes its own decision based on circumstances in their area.

    As of 2024, the district also has the option to use online learning. Learn more:

    If the school building is closed and no online learning is offered, the day will be added to the end of the school year. If the school buildings are closed but students use one of the five available online learning days, the day will not be added to the end of the school year. The district builds five emergency days into the school calendar. 

    Many families work outside the home and childcare can be challenging when schools are closed. Keeping this in mind, CCSD 89 makes every effort to keep schools open if it is safe to do so, and tries not to dismiss students early on days when the weather becomes worse.

    Dress for the weather

    Even when school is open, students should dress for winter conditions. An emergency could cause students to stand outside for an extended time. Also, students will continue to go outside for recess as long as the weather remains above 10 degrees or below 100 degrees (as measured by 

    Contact information

    The district’s phone message system uses phone numbers and email addresses supplied by guardians during registration. If your phone number or email address changes, it is important you contact your school secretary to update your records.